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Chiropractic & Wellness Treatments

Weight Loss

Ready to Transform Your Health and Regain Your Confidence?

Are you tired of clothes that no longer fit, brain fog that won’t lift, and energy levels that are constantly low? It’s time to take control of your health and feel great again!

  • Fit Back Into Your Favorite Clothes: Get back into those pants that have been hanging in your closet for years.
  • Boost Your Mental Clarity and Energy: Say goodbye to brain fog and welcome back your energy and focus.
  • Love What You See in the Mirror: Reignite your confidence and enjoy looking in the mirror again.
  • Walk into Any Room with Confidence: No more feeling judged—walk in with self-assurance and pride.
  • Lose Weight and Keep It Off Permanently: Achieve sustainable weight loss and improve your health for yourself, your family, and your purpose.

Discover the 8 Root Causes of Weight Gain: Your Path to Lasting Weight Loss

As you read this, you might feel a mix of excitement and frustration—excited because you’re about to uncover solutions, but frustrated that you didn’t have this information sooner. The good news? The answers you’ve been searching for are finally here.

After asking hundreds of patients about the root cause of their weight gain, we found that most people have no idea. Common responses include “eating too much” or “moving too little,” but don’t we all wish it were that simple? The truth is, there are 8 root causes of weight gain that go far beyond diet and exercise.

Before we dive into how to correct these root causes, let’s take a quick look at what we’re really up against. To lose weight and improve your health, you need to address the underlying issues contributing to your weight gain, paired with the right support and accountability.

Blueprint to Weight Loss: Address the Real Causes

At Balance Point Wellness, our Blueprint to Weight Loss program goes beyond the basics. We provide the guidance and support needed to help your mind and body transition from burning sugar to burning fat, eliminate cravings, lower stress, and increase your energy.

Now, let’s uncover the 8 root causes of weight gain and show you exactly how to address them. With the right approach, your weight loss efforts can finally lead to the permanent results you’ve been striving for.

Our Three-Phase Care Approach: Tackling the 8 Hidden Causes of Weight Gain

At Balance Point Wellness, our comprehensive three-phase care approach addresses the often-overlooked culprits of weight gain: Candida, Toxicity, Thyroid Imbalances, Hunger Hormones, Sleep Disruption, Stress, Brain-Based Food Cravings, and Poor Food Management.

These are the 8 critical factors that are rarely addressed together in a synergistic way, making it possible not just to lose weight, but to keep it off for good.

#1 CANDIDA... Candida: The Hidden Culprit of Weight Gain

Candida is a type of yeast and fungus naturally found in the gut lining of the body. While small amounts are normal, an overgrowth of Candida can lead to serious health issues that make losing weight incredibly difficult. This imbalance contributes to stubborn weight gain, making those extra pounds nearly impossible to shed.

#2 TOXICITY... The “Just Feel Horrible” (JFH) Syndrome: Are You Suffering from Hidden Toxicity?

Nearly half of the U.S. population experiences what we call JFH Syndrome—“Just Feel Horrible” Syndrome. While not an official medical diagnosis, it perfectly describes the nagging symptoms that keep you feeling down, such as achy joints or muscles, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, and unexplained weight gain.

Toxicity is often the hidden cause behind these persistent issues, and detoxification could be the key to finding relief—especially when it comes to stubborn weight gain. By addressing the buildup of toxins in your body, you can start to feel better, regain your energy, and finally shed those extra pounds.

#3 THYROID... The Thyroid: The Unsung Hero of Your Metabolism

Your thyroid has a big job—it secretes hormones that help maintain a healthy heart rate, keep your skin vibrant, and play a crucial role in regulating your metabolism. However, when your thyroid becomes sluggish, often due to factors like Candida overgrowth (as we just discussed), it can rob you of your energy, dry out your skin, and make your joints ache.

While these symptoms are frustrating, the most significant impact we’re focusing on here is how an underactive thyroid can lead to dramatic weight gain, making it incredibly challenging to lose those extra pounds.

#4 HUNGER HORMONES... The Real Hormones Behind Weight Loss: Beyond Estrogen, Testosterone, and Progesterone

When we talk about hormones in our program, we’re not just referring to estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone, although they do play a role in weight gain. The true missing links in achieving permanent weight loss are hormones like ghrelin, leptin, adiponectin, insulin, and cortisol.

These powerful hormones regulate crucial aspects of your weight journey, including appetite, feelings of fullness, energy balance, and fat storage. Understanding and managing these hormones is key to unlocking lasting weight loss success.

#5 SLEEP... The Impact of Sleep on Metabolism: Why Rest is Essential for Weight Management

Research suggests a strong link between sleep restriction and negative changes in metabolism. Studies show that adults who sleep only 4 hours a night, compared to those getting the recommended 8-10 hours, experience increased hunger and appetite, particularly for calorie-dense, high-carbohydrate foods. This lack of sleep can significantly disrupt your metabolism, making weight management even more challenging.

#6 STRESS... The Overlooked Role of Stress in Weight Loss: Emotional and Oxidative Stress

Experts agree that stress management is a crucial component of any weight loss regimen, especially for those juggling busy lives filled with jobs, families, and other responsibilities. However, an often overlooked aspect of stress and weight gain isn’t just emotional stress—it’s oxidative stress as well.

When your body experiences inflammation, fat storage tends to expand, making weight loss more difficult. That’s why, at Balance Point Wellness, our program specifically addresses the stress-inflammation response to help you achieve your weight loss goals more effectively.

#7 BRAIN BASED FOOD CRAVINGS... The Truth About Food Cravings: More Than Just a Desire to Eat

We’ve been taught to believe that food cravings are simply a desire to eat specific foods, but the reality is far more complex. Most of the time, cravings are signals from your body indicating a deficiency, a nutritional need, or an imbalance in your body or brain chemistry. Understanding these signals can help you make healthier choices and address the root causes of your cravings.

#8 FOOD MANAGEMENT... Get Your Clean Eating on Track: Simple Steps to Your Healthier Self

See how easy it can be to embrace clean eating and transform your health. Whether your goal is to lose a few pounds or reach your ideal weight, choosing the right foods is key. Our program guides you toward healthier eating habits that support lasting weight loss and overall well-being.

Blueprint to Weight Loss: Address the 8 Root Causes of Weight Gain with Doctor-Supervised Support

Struggling with weight gain can feel overwhelming, but Dr. Soren at Balance Point Wellness offers a simple, effective solution with the Blueprint to Weight Loss program. Our doctor-supervised Blueprint to Weight Loss Nutrition Kit targets the 8 root causes of weight gain with the right supplementation, along with a comprehensive handbook and active workbook to guide you every step of the way.

Unlike quick fixes such as addictive weight loss medications, risky surgeries, and fad diets, our program provides personalized care, ongoing online support, and a lifetime commitment to help you achieve and maintain lasting results. With Dr. Soren’s expert guidance at Balance Point Wellness, you’ll finally have the tools to address the root causes of weight gain and keep the weight off for good.

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