Chiropractic & Wellness Treatments

Spinal Adjustments

At Balance Point Wellness, we begin with a thorough evaluation and diagnosis of the spine to identify misalignments, commonly known as “subluxations” or “shifts.” Using precise palpation techniques, we assess these areas with hands-on methods to understand how these misalignments impact your overall health.

Chiropractic care is based on the scientific principle that the nervous system controls and influences the function of every tissue, organ, and cell in the body. Misalignments in the spine can place pressure on nerves, disrupting communication between the nervous system and the body’s muscles, tissues, and organs. This interference often leads to discomfort, pain, or radiating pain along nerve pathways.

Dr. Jaron Soren, our dedicated chiropractor, expertly identifies these areas of misalignment and uses gentle adjustments, along with advanced synergistic technologies, to correct them. By removing nerve interference, our chiropractic care supports the body’s natural healing process, reduces pain, and enhances overall function.

Experience the transformative benefits of chiropractic care at Balance Point Wellness and discover how addressing spinal misalignments can restore your body’s ability to heal itself.

Techniques Utilized: Diversified, Drop, Tool-Assisted Low Force, SOT Blocking, Cox, Strain/Counter Strain

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